Updated December 13, 2014 - Withyou Computer Systems - All Rights Reserved Remember to check www.moneydiarycentral.com for updates and support. Getting Started With MoneyDiary 5.1 Verification Basics Rewards Emailing/Exporting Advanced - GoFind screen Tips - The Account field Verification After you have completed your iTunes¨ installation of MoneyDiary 5.1 onto your iPhone¨, you will see the smiley face MoneyDiary¨ icon. Tapping on this icon will bring up the main menu where MoneyDiary entries/records are listed. The MoneyDiary records listed are for example purposes. You may delete them at a later time. Ok, now tap on the '(+)' button in the upper right corner, this will bring up the screen titled 'Entry'. If you are an experienced iPhone¨ user, feel free to change any of the fields, otherwise just tap on the 'Save' button in the upper right hand corner. You have just made your first MoneyDiary entry. Your new entry should now appear on the main menu with your other MoneyDiary record examples. If you don't see it at first, scroll down a little. Verification of MoneyDiary 5.1 installation is complete. Basics To help you get started, try out some of these MoneyDiary basics: 1. Add A Record There are two ways to add a record. First, use the '(+)' button on the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed. Or second, copy an existing record by tapping on the record you want to copy from the main menu, and then tapping on the 'NewCopy' button in the subsequent Info screen. The 'Entry' screen will come up with a copy of the record with the Date updated to today's date. The original record you copied remains unaltered. 2. Edit A Record You may edit a record by tapping on the record you want to edit in the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed. The record will be presented for viewing in the Info screen. Tap on the (Edit) button in the upper right to change to edit mode. Change the category by tapping on the arrow next to it, select a category, and tap (Save). Change the date of the record by tapping on the arrow next to it, select a new date, and tap (Save). Change the remaining fields simply by tapping on the arrow next to it, enter it, and tap (Save). Warning messages are used to assist in correct field entry. When you're done, tap (Done) in the upper right corner. Your changes are now complete. 3. Delete A Record You may delete a record by first tapping the (Edit) button in the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed. Select the record you want to delete by tapping the far left column, and confirm the delete by tapping the presented red (Delete) button. You can change your mind by tapping the far left column again, before tapping the (Delete) button. It's easier than it sounds. Try it. Rewards After the Basics you reap the rewards. MoneyDiary allows you to quickly and easily review and summarize your MoneyDiary entries. Tapping on the binoculars, on the bottom right of the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed, brings up a very powerful selection tool. You control exactly what you want to list and balance in the main menu. Select a 'FromDate' and 'ToDate' to view a window of entries from a business trip or a vacation budget. View gas expenses or a remodeling project by entering a keyword that you entered in the description. For example 'Gas' or 'New Family Room'. View specific medical payments and total by entering the name of the doctor, lab or hospital in the 'Payee/Payor'. And of course, you can just change the category to be viewed. Tap on the currency ( '$' in U.S.) button, in the bottom middle of the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed, and a sum of only the listed records will be presented. The binoculars icon will change to the smiley face MoneyDiary icon to let you know when a GoFind is in progress. Best of all, you can do this anytime, anywhere. Emailing/Exporting The email/export functions. These functions are for exporting a copy of your selected MoneyDiary entries to a spreadsheet (Excel is one of many) or simple report. Your original MoneyDiary entries remain unchanged. A unique feature of the MoneyDiary export is the integration of the 'GoFind' selection process. Only the records you have selected will be exported. Of course, if you have no selection criteria, all your MoneyDiary entries will be exported. There are two ways to export your MoneyDiary records, as a file, or as an individual entry. - Exporting a file creates an email attachment of a tab delimited file for copying to a spreadsheet. - Exporting a single record creates a formatted email of the record/entry as a receipt or invoice. Both of these are done by tapping on the email icon located on the bottom left. Example of MoneyDiary Export as a file. 1. While in the main menu where your MoneyDiary entries are listed, tap on the email icon on the bottom left. 2. A formatted email is presented, ready to be sent to whom ever you want. Tap on the addressee line to enter the email address, or tap on presented plus sign icon to select from your Contact list. Your listed MoneyDiary records/entries are sent as an attachment file. Note: Only the records you have selected using the 'GoFind' function will be exported, if you have no selection criteria, all your MoneyDiary entries will be exported. 3. Tap the (Send) button in the upper right or, change your mind by tapping the (Cancel) button in the upper left. 4. You're done. Your original MoneyDiary entries remain unchanged. Example of MoneyDiary Export as a single record/entry. 1. While in the main menu where your MoneyDiary entries are listed, tap on record/entry you wish to export. 2. This presents the Info screen of your single MoneyDiary record/entry. Tap on the email icon on the bottom left. 3. A formatted email is presented, ready to be sent to whom ever you want. Tap on the addressee line to enter the email address, or tap on presented plus sign icon to select from your Contact list. Your single MoneyDiary record is reported in the body of the email. 4. Tap the (Send) button in the upper right or, change your mind by tapping the (Cancel) button in the upper left. 5. You're done. Your original MoneyDiary record/entry remains unchanged. Advanced - GoFind screen Tips You may enter all or none of the fields listed. Only the fields entered will be used in your search. Selected records must match all of your criteria. The search treats upper and lower case letters as equal. 1. Category This is an exact match for all records matching the entered category. 2. From Date This is a match for all records with dates greater than or equal to the entered date. 3. To Date This is a match for all records with dates less than or equal to the entered date. 4. Account This is a match on left to right of your Account field entries. For example, if you have a checking account prefixed with "300", and three records with record one Account field = 3001001, record two Account field = 4003001, and record three Account field = 3001002. Only records one and three, with the matching leading "300" would be listed. 5. Amount This is an exact match on the Amount entered. For negative amounts, the negative sign must be included. 6. Description This is a match on the characters entered. All records containing the entered characters anywhere in the Description will be selected. In addition, you may use wild card character " * " (a single asterisk) to match any character within your entry. For example, "office supply*" will match any records you have entered with a Description starting with "office supply". Whereas, "office supply" (without the asterisk) will match any records that contain "office supply". You may also use wild card character "?" (a single question mark) to specify an exact number of characters to match on any single character within your entry. For example, "?ea??" will match any records with a Description equal to five characters with the second and third characters equal to "ea". Examples of matching records would be Descriptions equal to "Meal." or "meals". Examples of non-matching records would be Descriptions equal to "Meal" or "meals." As you can see, this is a very detailed option to include specifying a field/entry length. 7. Payee/Payor The same rules/options apply as described above for Description. Advanced - The Account field You may customize this seven digit field for your own purpose or not use it at all (zero is the default). The following illustrates how this field may be used. Use the first three digits to represent a source of money, credit, or invoice. By doing this, you may enter the first three digits in the Account field of the 'GoFind' screen and request a current Balance of the account or invoice at any time. This field is best used to maintain a current balance to be compared with a financial statement of account. The most common example for demonstration would be a checking account. Let's use '100' for our checking account. First, make a starting balance entry from your checkbook or statement. 1. Tap on (+) button from the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed. 2. Use the date from your last check transaction and enter it using the 'Date Calendar' scroll selection. 3. Enter '1000000' (our checking account plus four zeros) into the Account field. 4. Enter your starting balance in the Amount field (we will use $500 for our example). 5. Enter 'Starting Balance' (or something similar) in the Description field. 6. Enter the name of your bank into the Payee/Payor field. 7. Tap on the ( Save ) button in the upper right corner. 8. You're done. Now, make a check entry. Our example will be for writing check number 1234567 to the phone company in the amount of $50.00. 1. Tap on (+) button from the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed or use the NewCopy function. 2. Use the ''Date Calendar' scroll selection to change the date, if different than today. 3. Enter '1004567' (our three digit account plus last four digits of check) into the Account field. 4. Enter '-50.00' into the Amount field. 5. Enter 'Phone bill dated 02-22-2012 into the Description field. 6. Enter the name of your phone company into the Payee/Payor field. 7. Tap on the ( Save ) button in the upper right corner. 8. You're done. Now, make a deposit into your checking account. Our example will be for depositing $250.00. The important thing is to capture the deposit to your three digit account and easily cross reference the deposit to your future statement. If you have multiple checks to deposit, enter the total. The multiple checks should already have been entered into your MoneyDiary when they were received (as expense check, invoice payment, etc.). 1. Tap on (+) button from the main menu where your MoneyDiary records are listed or use the NewCopy function. 2. Use the 'Date Calendar' scroll selection to change the date, if different than today. 3. Enter '1000000' (our checking account plus four zeros) into the Account field. 4. Enter '250.00' into the Amount field. 5. Enter 'For deposit' or skip the Description field. 6. Enter the name of your bank or skip the Payee/Payor field. 7. Tap on the ( Save ) button in the upper right corner. 8. You're done. Now, to obtain a current balance. Our example shows $500 - $50 + $250 = $700.00. 1. Tap on the binoculars, or smiling MoneyDiary¨ icon, in the lower right of the main menu where your MoneyDiary¨ records are listed. This will take you to the GoFind screen. 2. Tap on the ( Clear ) button in the bottom middle, to clear out any prior selection criteria. 3. Enter '100' (our three digit account) into the 'Account' field. 4. Leave all other fields empty. 5. Tap on ( GoFind ) button in the upper right. This will list all your checks beginning with our account of Ô100Õ 6. Tap on the ( $ ) symbol in the bottom middle of the main menu where your MoneyDiary¨ records are listed. Your balance of $700.00 is displayed. A similar process may be done to keep track of a credit card. But you don't need to enter a sequential check number, just the trailing zeros. The date and Payee/Payor will cross reference to your credit card statement. A payment on your credit card would be similar to the MoneyDiary entry for a checking account deposit. When you make a payment from your checking account to your credit card, two MoneyDiary entries are made. The normal MoneyDiary entry for your check (our example account '100') and a payment/deposit entry for your credit card account (for example, account '2000000'). The Account field is an extremely flexible, but efficient feature. It is optional. However, the more you use it, the more you discover how easy it is to maintain all your financial accounts. As always, the first time you do something is generally the hardest. Once you have successfully completed the above steps, subsequent efforts will be routine. Enjoy your MoneyDiary and visit our website from time to time at www.MoneyDiaryCentral.com. Thank you for choosing MoneyDiary 5.1. iPhone¨ and iTunes¨ are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. MoneyDiary¨ is a registered trademark of T.A. Esquivel/Withyou Computer Systems.